Prommune’s swine flu vaccine succeeds in latest animal trial

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Sam Al-Murrani

Sam Al-Murrani, PhD, interim CEO of Prommune, addresses the audience during UNeMed’s 2016 Demo Day.

KANSAS CITY, Mo. (Aug. 24, 2017)—Prommune Inc., a Midwest-based developer of advanced biologics, announced the completion of its third proof of concept study in pigs.

The latest study related to its lead products HeptaVac™, a self-adjuvating peptide vaccine cocktail and HISP-P™, an immunoactivator and molecular adjuvant both for use in pigs with Swine Influenza A Virus infections.

HeptaVac™ was designed to elicit cellular immunity and contains antigenic peptides from the H1N1 influenza virus proteins, two of which represent conserved sequences between the seasonal and pandemic strains. Each antigenic peptide was individually linked to Prommune’s molecular adjuvant HISP™ which activates the innate immune system and generates a Th1-biased immune response. HeptaVac™ was delivered intramuscularly and showed a dose response and a statistically significant reduction in the number of lung lesions in pigs infected with the H1N1 strain of the virus compared to the controls.

Another arm of the study compared the efficacy of HeptaVac™ to HISP-P™ delivered intranasally. This part of the study again showed the efficacy of HeptaVac™ but also showed that the immunoactivator HISP-P™ can reduce the viral load in lung lesions in a statistically significant manner in addition to an overall reduction in the number of lesions. Successful intranasal delivery, opens the door for potential use as mucosal vaccines and adjuvants.

Prommune has recently engaged a cGMP manufacturing partner and will be initiating filings to obtain the necessary licenses to market the two products in the US, in the coming weeks. It is also continuing its research and development activities on its pipeline of products for other production animal species and expects to apply for further licenses within the next 12-18 months.

UNMC researcher Sam Sanderson, PhD, who unexpectedly passed away on Aug. 7, 2017, founded Prommune about a decade ago.

Dr. Sam Al-Murrani, interim CEO added, “There is a considerable need for new therapeutics, prophylactics and adjuvants for veterinary and human medicine applications. Prommune’s lead biologics engage and activate the immune system in ways that are different from the ways through which the majority of “classical” vaccines and adjuvants currently work.”

Prommune is positioning itself at the forefront of next generation biologics developers with a pipeline of innovative products each designed to fill the need for new modalities to combat existing and emerging zoonotic diseases.

Prommune is a UNMC startup built on the research of the late Sam Sanderson, Ph.D.

For further information, please contact Prommune Inc. at or call toll free 877-426-9009.

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UNMC’s glaucoma breakthrough featured in journal ‘Stem Cells’

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Findings could lead to early diagnosis, new treatment therapies

by Lisa Spellman, UNMC

A University of Nebraska Medical Center researcher has discovered that a common form of glaucoma that strikes adults may have early origin. The discovery, which is detailed in the August 9 issue of the journals Stem Cells, could result in earlier diagnosis and treatment of the disease that is the second leading cause of irreversible blindness and affects more than 3 million people in the United States and 60 million people worldwide.

Iqbal Ahmad, PhD, a professor in the department of ophthalmology and visual sciences at UNMC, led the team of investigators. He has spent more than a decade studying the stem cell approach to understand and treat glaucoma, which is called a silent robber of vision because it strikes without warning or any noticeable symptoms.

“There are several forms of glaucoma but all have two things in common – the progressive degeneration of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) and the irreversible loss of vision,” Dr. Ahmad said.

The primary function of RGCs is to tell the brain through a series of synapses and connections what the eye sees, he said. Without RGCs, there is no perception of vision.

Since glaucoma is generally a late onset disease and RGCs are formed during gestation, Dr. Ahmad’s team had to find a way to study the degeneration process, which they hypothesized was because of a developmental abnormality.

Using blood from patients carrying a specific gene variation and also suffering from primary open angle glaucoma (POAG), one of the more common forms of the disease, Dr. Ahmad and his team created a pluripotent stem cell-based model of POAG to understand why and how  RGCs degenerate.

Dr. Ahmad’s team was able to show that RGCs from POAG patients were different from those generated from healthy donors.

“They were developmentally abnormal in form, function and gene expression,” he said, adding that knowing the molecular basis of the defect and its biomarkers will allow early diagnosis and treatment.

“We are excited, as it is an important first step toward early diagnosis and treatment of this debilitating disease,” Dr. Ahmad said.

Shane Haven, M.D., a glaucoma specialist at UNMC’s Truhlsen Eye Institute, said, “Dr. Ahmad’s work could help us better understand the pathophysiology of degenerative conditions and in turn, reveal new treatment targets and cell replacement therapies.”

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Changes coming for Innovation Awards, date set for Oct. 26

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OMAHA, Neb. (Aug. 23, 2017)—Building on the popularity of two key events, UNeMed this year will combine the annual Innovation Awards with the prestige of the Shareholder Meeting, officials announced today.

“We always enjoy shining a bright spotlight on the talent and spirit of innovation at UNMC,” UNeMed President and CEO Michael Dixon said. “And the Shareholder Meeting presented people with the rare opportunity to engage with University leadership. So, we really wanted to bring those two things together into one bigger, better event.”

The Innovation Awards Banquet is now an invitation-only event with a more formal, sit-down meal. The venue has also changed, and will be held at the Truhlsen Event Center in the Michael F. Sorrell Center on the corner of 42nd and Emile Streets.

UNeMed’s Innovation Awards annually recognizes University of Nebraska staff, students and faculty in Omaha. UNeMed presents awards to those who disclosed a new invention, licensed an invention or received a U.S. patent in the previous fiscal year. This year, UNeMed will also honor an Emerging Inventor of the year and a Most Promising New Invention.

In previous years, the Shareholder Meeting was a popular off-campus event that brought together many key members of the University’s leadership team.

The goal in combing in events, Dixon said, was to bring together major elements into a singular, high-quality evening.

“It’s going to give our inventors more exposure, which they richly deserve,” he said. “And it’s still going to give our leadership the chance to meet with colleagues and some of our most talented researchers.”

The Awards Banquet is a part of Innovation Week, which will enter its 11th year in 2017.

Innovation Week begins Monday, Oct. 23, at 9-11 a.m., with the “Kick-Off” in the Durham Research Center atrium. The event is open to everyone who wants to meet with UNeMed staff, grab some freebies—including a UNeMed T-shirt—and a cup of coffee or a smoothie.

The Innovation Awards Banquet is on Thursday, Oct. 26, followed by an educational seminar on Friday, Oct. 27. The seminar is expected to help researchers, faculty and other scientists explain complicated ideas in terms that most can understand.

UNeMed will announce further details for the seminar soon.

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Sam Sanderson, 63

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Cats, pajamas & science will never be the same

UNMC researcher Sam Sanderson, PhD, checks the results of a recent quality control test at his Omaha lab. His startup company, Prommune, is based on an innovation he developed. (File Photo: Charlie Litton)

by Charlie Litton, UNeMed | Aug. 9, 2017

Not long ago, we had a very important discussion. We needed to understand what, exactly, are “cat’s pajamas.” Are they literally pajamas…that cats wear…to bed? Were footies in play? Who would want to put PJs on a cat? Why?

It was a deep dive into strange worlds of felines, sleep garments and, of course, the white-hot ball of fire that was Sam Sanderson.

Sanderson, a UNMC inventor who built a startup around his innovations, had just been in the office. He had an update for us those many weeks ago.

He just landed a huge grant that would further his research, and wanted to share the good news. He just needed to cross a few T’s, dot some I’s, and he’d be “cocked, locked and ready to rock.”

I don’t recall the exact context, but he did drop the “cat’s pajamas” on us at some point. He usually did. It was a verbal tic that grew into something of a catchphrase for Sam.

Cat's Pajamas“Sam was always quick with a ‘golly gee’ or a ‘gee wiz,'” said UNeMed President and CEO Michael Dixon. “I’m fairly certain I won’t be able to use the phrase ‘the cat’s pajamas’ without thinking of Sam.”

Then Sam didn’t wake up Tuesday morning.

It’s a bitter pill that won’t wash down anytime soon. Yet, I can’t help but wonder what he might say about that.

I bet he’d call it a “bummer, man.”

Then I expect he’d shrug, and find some positive light to shine on it. That was his way too.

“If Sam caught you in the hallway, you were guaranteed to be late to your next meeting,” Dixon said. “But that was okay because his excitement and enthusiasm was infectious. I always left a meeting with Sam feeling better about myself and the world around me.”

I wouldn’t normally admit this, but Sam was my favorite of all UNMC’s talented inventors. It’s not that his innovations where necessarily any better than anyone else’s, although they were pretty great.

He had his own gravitational force. Once pulled in, you were infected and transformed. You walked away wanting to climb mountains.

More than that, you wanted him to summit his Everest. You rooted for him because he earned it. He put in the time. He never gave up, even when no one else seemed to believe in him.

He fought long and hard for his science. And he seemed on the doorstep of victory too, a decade in the making.

“I usually heard Sam before I saw him.” UNeMed’s Joe Runge said. “Sam’s boundless energy and optimism was infectious. He was a force of nature in perpetual motion”

Sam Sanderson, PhD

His energy and enthusiasm never flagged. In fact, that enthusiasm was the dominant trait in any given room he entered.

“His passion and energy were obvious from the get-go and it was contagious,” said Matt Boehm, UNeMed’s Licensing Manager who worked with Sam for about eight years. “He had ups and downs and tough times, but he always stuck in there and kept going. There were times when it would have been easy for him to walk-away but he never did, and I admire him for that.”

Said Dixon: “We probably didn’t realize it while he was here, but Sam really was the cat’s pajamas.”


Visitation for Sam Sanderson will be held at St. Stephen the Martyr Catholic Church in Omaha on Friday, Aug. 11 at 5-7 p.m. Vigil begins at 7 p.m. Funeral services will also be at St. Stephen the Martyr at 10 a.m. on Saturday, Aug. 12.

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Smartphone device could revolutionize ophthalmology teaching

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Excerpted from a story appearing in the Aug. 8, 2017 issue of UNMC Today.

by Tom O’Connor, UNMC

Liana Morales, a student in the UNMC Summer Undergraduate Research Program, does an eye exam using the smartphone camera attachment on Barrett Kumke, while pediatric ophthalmologist Donny Suh, M.D., oversees the procedure.

Liana Morales, a student in the UNMC Summer Undergraduate Research Program, does an eye exam using the smartphone camera attachment on Barrett Kumke, while pediatric ophthalmologist Donny Suh, M.D., oversees the procedure. (UNMC Photo)

The small, two-inch camera attachment clips on the top of the phone and allows health professionals to examine a key area of the interior surface of the eye called the fundus. The fundus includes the central retina, optic disc, macula, fovea and the posterior pole.

The device can detect a variety of eye problems such as underdevelopment of the optic nerves, swelling of the optic disc, and nystagmus, a condition in which the eyes make repetitive, uncontrolled movements.

Omaha pediatric ophthalmologist, Donny Suh, M.D., has been involved in a research study published in the July edition of the Open Journal of Ophthalmology. The study looked at one of the three similar devices that are in the marketplace.

Dr. Suh has also developed several new innovations for pediatric ophthalmology, including a precision syringe that allows the operator to perform delicate procedures with one hand, and MedLens, a novel device that turns most smartphones into a powerful diagnostic tool.


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Dates set for 2017 Boot Camp, accepting applications

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OMAHA, Neb. (July 26, 2017)—UNeMed’s 2017 Technology Transfer Boot Camp program is set for August 15-18. The Boot Camp is particularly aimed toward scientists interested in getting away from the bench, but continuing their scientific pursuits in technology transfer activities.

UNeMed’s four-day training program help’s scientists gain a wider range of technology commercialization skills and experience that matches their scientific knowledge and training.

The program will be held from 8 a.m. to noon beginning Aug. 15 and concluding Aug. 18.

Grad students Richard Nelson and Simarjeet Negi look on during a session of UNeMed's first Technology Transfer Boot Camp, a week of immersive training sessions that dove into the commercialization of biomedical science.

Grad students Richard Nelson and Simarjeet Negi look on during a session at UNeMed’s first Technology Transfer Boot Camp in 2015.

The program is designed to provide information across a range of technology transfer relevant areas, including:

  • Evaluating new inventions
  • Intellectual property law
  • Marketing and commercialization
  • Contract negotiation

Rather than provide a series of lectures, UNeMed’s tech transfer boot camp will dive into more hands-on activities. Activities will highlight real-word situations, and help illustrate key aspects of the technology commercialization process.

Anyone at UNMC is encouraged to apply and participate free of charge. Non-UNMC affiliates are also welcome, but will be charged $200 upon acceptance.

Applications will be accepted until Aug. 10, and will be reviewed in the order they are received until all spaces are filled. If the embedded form does not properly display below, the application may be accessed here.

More information about the program and the application process can be found at

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Meet the next generation in laparoscopic simulators

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UNMC’s nanoparticle production facility to headline seminar series

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OMAHA, Neb. (July 19, 2017)—An upcoming Tech Talk Seminar Series installment will detail the manufacturing capabilities of UNMC’s Nebraska Nanomedicine Production Plant.

Adam Szlachetka, D.D.S.

Dr. Szlachetka

Adam Szlachetka, D.D.S., Operations Manager at UNMC’s nanomedicine production facility, will deliver an hour-long talk beginning at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 8, in room 1004 of the Durham Research Center I.

The seminar is titled as “Good Laboratory and Current Good Manufacturing Practices (GLP and cGMP) at UNMC within the Nebraska Nanomedicine Production Plant (NNPP).”

Dr. Szlachetka is expected to discuss the NNPP’s capabilities of biomedical manufacturing, including its ability to scale up from a relatively simple idea to an FDA-approved final product. The NNPP is particularly useful for those interested in manufacturing on a small scale while maintaining the high standards found in large-scale manufacturing firms.

A bimonthly event, the Tech Talk Seminar Series highlights “the variety of ways core technologies can be applied to research questions,” according to the seminar website. The Office of Vice Chancellor for Research is the series sponsor.

Find more information about the series, including links to videos of previous seminars, at All seminars are live-streamed and available for later viewing. Admission is free and open to all.

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FDA grants orphan drug status for UNMC therapy

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Designation will help Juvenile Batten Disease therapy move into clinical trials before end the year, officials say

NEW YORK and CLEVELAND (July 5, 2017)—The FDA announced recently that it has granted Abeona Therapeutics Inc. the Orphan Drug Designation for its work on a gene-therapy approach to Juvenile Batten Disease, according to an Abeona press release issued last week.

“This designation helps advance the [Juvenile Batten Disease gene therapy] program and we look forward to initiating human clinical trials later this year,” Abeona President and CEO, Timothy J. Miller, PhD, said in the release.

UNMC Professor of Pathology Tammy Kielian, PhD, (left)—seen here with doctoral student Megan Bosch—is UNeMed’s 2015 Innovator of the Year for work against Juvenile Batten Disease and biofilm infections.

Abeona is a biopharmaceutical company focused on gene therapy approaches for rare deadly diseases. Abeona’s work with Juvenile Batten Disease is based on the research of Tammy Kielian, PhD, one of the University of Nebraska Medical Center’s most celebrated and talented researchers.

Dr. Kielian was the 2016 Scientist Laureate, UNMC’s highest honor bestowed on researchers, and was named the 2015 Innovator of the Year by UNMC’s technology transfer and commercialization office, UNeMed.

Dr. Kielian directed her research toward Juvenile Batten Disease several years ago when her young niece was diagnosed with the fatal neurodegenerative disorder.

According to Abeona’s press release, the “Orphan drug designation is granted by the FDA to novel drugs or biologics that treat rare diseases or conditions affecting fewer than 200,000 patients in the U.S. The designation allows the drug developer to be eligible for a seven-year period of U.S. marketing exclusivity upon approval of the drug, as well as tax credits for clinical research costs, the ability to apply for annual grant funding, clinical trial design assistance, and the waiver of Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) filing fees.”

Dr. Kielian was also named a UNMC Distinguished Scientist in 2009 and won UNeMed’s Emerging Inventor Award in 2012.

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UNeMed hosts partnering day for medical devices

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OMAHA, Neb. (June 14, 2017)—The Industry Partnering Summit entered its second year Wednesday when UNeMed hosted a small gathering of entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, medical device professionals and University inventors.

Inventor/Founder Greg Gordon, M.D., presents his startup company, Radux Devices, during UNeMed’s 2017 Industry Partnering Summit.

UNeMed, the technology transfer and commercialization office for the University of Nebraska Medical Center, selected a core group of university medical device innovations and presented those inventions to industrial officials, investors and potential partners.

“I think it went well,” said Matt Boehm, UNeMed’s licensing manager who coordinated the event. “We did exactly what we wanted to do, which was get all these people in the same room and have some meaningful conversations.”

The all-day event was led by inventor-founder Greg Gordon, M.D., of Radux Devices. While at UNMC, Dr. Gordon invented several devices to protect physicians from radiation while improving outcomes of fluoroscopic procedures.

He was followed by Peter Pellegrino, a doctoral student working with Irving Zucker, PhD, who’s developed a way to make a new hypertension treatment possible. The new treatment involves destroying misfiring nerve-endings in the kidneys, and Zucker’s device would make that process far more effective.

Several other surgical devices were presented, including a new surgical robot, a cutting tool, an implant and new laparoscopic devices.

Medtronic’s Doug Hettrick (left) meets with UNMC’s Peter Pellegrino during UNeMed’s 2017 Industry Partnering Summit.

Shane Farritor, PhD, an engineer based at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, showed off the surgical robots that drive his startup company, Virtual Incision. He is a co-founder with UNMC surgeon Dmitry Oleynikov, M.D.

Jason MacTaggart, M.D., a vascular surgeon at UNMC, presented his prototype for AquaBlade, a small waterjet designed to better treat aortic dissections from inside the vessel.

Marius Florescu, M.D., developed an implantation device that will help a vein and artery better form what’s known as an arteriovenous fistula—a critically important first step for patients with kidney failure to receive hemodialysis.

Jake Riggle, M.D., presented the latest prototype of his Intuitool, an ergonomically engineered laparoscopic tool.

The last of the surgical tools was a portable laparoscopic platform from Chandrakanth Are, M.D. The device would make minimally invasive surgeries more accessible throughout the world.

Other presentations were:

Alexey Kamenskiy, PhD, presented an innovative solution to stopping massive bleeding during catastrophic injuries.

Thang Nguyen’s wound irrigation system delivers constant and consistent pressure to wash thoroughly small foreign objects from wounds.

A device out of Jennifer Yentes’ lab at the Biomechanics facility at the University of Nebraska at Omaha rounded out the remaining presentations. Yentes, PhD, developed a wearable technology that might help doctors predict when a patient with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is about to suffer a sudden and potentially fatal increase in symptoms.

Learn more about the presented technologies by viewing or downloading the event program below.

Shane Farritor, PhD, an engineer out of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, shows off his innovation surgical robots—and the company he co-founded with UNMC’s Dmitry Oleynikov, M.D.—during UNeMed’s 2017 Industry Partnering Summit.

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University of Nebraska among the nation’s best in tech transfer

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LINCOLN, Nebr. (May 12, 2017)—A new report measuring universities’ success in driving economic growth ranks the University of Nebraska among the nation’s elite.

The Milken Institute, an independent economic think tank, last month released “The Best Universities for Technology Transfer.” The report ranks Nebraska’s tech transfer efforts 35th among a field of 225 – putting NU in the top 16 percent nationally for its ability to commercialize the work of its faculty in areas like agriculture, engineering and medicine for the benefit of people in the state and around the world.

“This report is more evidence that the University of Nebraska is in great company when it comes to our research and economic development efforts,” said NU President Hank Bounds. “We’ve made it a priority across all of our campuses to create a culture of innovation where bold and entrepreneurial thinking is encouraged. Our work is paying off. This ranking is a credit to the dedication and creativity of our faculty and the technology transfer offices that support them. Nebraska’s economy and our citizens are the beneficiaries.”

The Milken Institute’s rankings are based on data from the Association of University Technology Managers, the national trade organization for university tech transfer offices. Metrics include patents issued, licenses issued, licensing income and startups formed.

Nebraska’s No. 35 ranking places it ahead of brand-name heavyweights like the Mayo Foundation (No. 36), Wisconsin (No. 40), North Carolina-Chapel Hill (No. 44), Ohio State (No. 55) and Princeton (No. 62). NU trailed Johns Hopkins by just two places.

NU’s technology transfer offices – UNeMed at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha and NUtech Ventures at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln – work to bring university research to the marketplace, resulting in new startup companies, better jobs and new and innovative products that improve productivity and quality of life. The university is working to deepen relationships with Nebraska companies that can license faculty inventions for commercial use, the way Omaha-based Streck has done for a new molecular diagnostic platform.

UNMC surgeon Dmitry Oleynikov (left) and UNL engineer Shane Farritor test a surgical robot prototype during a recent trial in Omaha. Their collaboration created a startup company, Virtual Incision, which hopes to make major surgery—like a bowel resection—a laparoscopic procedure.

For example, Virtual Incision Corp., a medical device company focused on developing a miniature robot for general surgery abdominal procedures, is a spinoff of research by Nebraska-Lincoln engineering professor Shane Farritor and UNMC surgeon Dmitry Oleynikov. Technology developed at Virtual Incision will transform surgeries into more affordable, less invasive procedures, improving lives and surgical outcomes for patients around the world.

Epicrop Technologies Inc., a startup founded by Nebraska-Lincoln faculty, is located at Nebraska Innovation Campus and is developing technology to improve crop yields. Epicrop’s unique technology, which the company is commercializing for use in corn, soybeans and wheat, can improve yields and stress tolerance without changing the DNA sequence of the plant.

Avert CEO Preston Badeer, during UNeMed's 2016 UNMC Technology Demonstration Day in October.

Avert CEO Preston Badeer, during UNeMed’s 2016 UNMC Technology Demonstration Day in October.

Another company, Avert, is a startup spun from innovation at the Nebraska Biomechanics Core Facility at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Avert, which was recently among a select group of startups chosen to present at a national demonstration day, is about to launch a beta version of its concussion-detection device. Avert is developing its product in partnership with UNeTecH, a joint UNO-UNMC business incubator formed by the Board of Regents that brings biomedical technology innovations to market.

“It is exciting to see medicine and technology work together to break down silos and build bridges,” said UNMC Chancellor Jeffrey P. Gold, M.D. “The real finish line is when academic research changes a person’s life – takes their pain away, helps them walk more easily, speeds recovery time after an operation. Partnering with businesses and corporate communities can help us take our innovations and discoveries to the people who need them most, and I’m pleased to see by this ranking that we are accomplishing our goals.”

Nebraska-Lincoln Chancellor Ronnie Green said, “Nebraska innovation is changing lives. We are leaders in invention and enterprise, driven by the high-quality, relevant research from our faculty. Our research is tied directly to real-world impacts – job creation, partnerships and business start-ups that power our state’s economy.”

According to the Milken report, university commercialization efforts pumped more than 1,000 new startup companies and $2.5 billion into the national economy. The report concludes: “Research universities are one of the strongest assets America can use to compete in the age of innovation. Research funding should be a top priority for enhancing American economic growth.” Its recommendations include:

  • Maintaining federal funding for basic science research.
  • Creating a federal fund to further support academic commercialization efforts.
  • Setting up a federal matching grant program to increase technology transfer staff and resources.
  • Creating a standard of best technology transfer practices at the state level.

The University of Utah claimed the top spot in Milken’s rankings, followed by Columbia University, the University of Florida, Brigham Young University and Stanford University.

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CRISPR and the other half

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by Joe Runge, UNeMed | May 10, 2017

CRISPR is not the technology that will bring about bioengineered weapons of mass destruction, the cure to all diseases or a generation of superhuman children. CRISPR is not the technological endgame for genetic engineering that will save or, possibly, destroy the world.

CRISPR is half that technology.

CRISPR is an enzyme that quickly, precisely and cheaply targets and cuts DNA. Originally discovered in bacteria, CRISPR is short for clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats. It’s a DNA-eating enzyme that serves as a form of immunity for bacteria. Bacteria save a chunk of an invading virus’s DNA and stick it to a CRISPR enzyme. The DNA-loaded enzyme then cruises the bacteria, looking for that same viral DNA. When the enzyme finds the viral DNA, it cuts it up, destroying the virus.

The early applications of CRISPR solve problems caused by small mutations that make genes dysfunctional. The CRIPSR simply cuts out the mutation, which makes the gene function normally. Cutting, however, is only half of the solution. To create flying pigs or genetically modify embryos for designer babies, scientists would need to insert new DNA.

But inserting new DNA is inefficient. Cells, quite reasonably, are on the prowl for foreign DNA, and work hard to keep it out. In the lab, a scientist would need to CRISPR hundreds of cells for a reasonable chance of successfully inserting DNA into just one – and that’s just for a small insertion, a fraction of a gene. To insert or replace a functioning gene, those odds go from pretty long to functionally impossible. Only through a series of baffling experiments can a scientist hope to insert functioning genes into a living cell.


An international collaboration between the University of Nebraska Medical Center and Tokai University may have found CRISPR’s other half.

Channabasavaiah Gurumurthy, PhD, an assistant professor of developmental neuroscience at UNMC, and Masato Ohtsuka, PhD, an associate professor of molecular life science at Tokai University in Japan, invented a new approach to efficiently insert DNA molecules as large as some genes.

Drs. Gurumurthy’s and Ohtsuka’s invention, which they call Easi-CRISPR, promises to be the improved inserter that pairs with CRISPR’s elegant cutting ability. In mice, Easi-CRISPR inserted large segments of DNA with unheard-of efficiencies of 25 percent, 30 percent or even 100 percent. Easi-CRISPR makes it possible to insert entire functioning genes into the cuts made by CRISPR.

Just as efficient cutting expanded the applications of genetic engineering, efficient insertion further transforms what scientists can do. Instead of using CRISPR to trim out the small mutations, they can overwrite entire genes. Instead of deactivating troublesome genes, they can remove or even add foreign genes to organisms. Genetic engineering applications were once the expensive work of specialty laboratories. With CRISPR and Easi-CRISPR, precision cutting and insertion can become a routine part of molecular biology.

Of course, easy cutting and inserting are not enough to fully realize designer babies and biologic super weapons. Easi-CRISPR and CRISPR make genome editing easier but it’s not enough on its own. A designer baby studio would need a library of eye color, athletic talent and academic achievement genes ready for insertion. To cure a disease, scientists will need to learn how to better use CRISPR to target, edit and replace living human cells. Easi-CRISPR is proof that very brilliant people are working tirelessly to overcome these current and future limitations of genome editing.

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Now is the time to inspire the next generation of women in STEM

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by Catherine Murari-Kanti, UNeMed | May 3, 2017

Dr. Murari-Kanti

This past weekend I witnessed something exciting. I got a glimpse into the future. A future that has strong, young confident ladies leading the way. This was possible because I was invited to be a panelist at a STEM conference for seventh and eighth grade girls. STEM is an education initiative emphasizing fields related to science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

The University of Nebraska Medical Center, in collaboration with Bellevue University, put together a daylong seminar: “Expanding your horizons in math and science – a conference for young women.” There, about 150 middle school girls from the Omaha and Bellevue public school districts got together to discover different STEM careers and get advice and encouragement for women holding STEM careers.

The day began with breakfast, followed by a great talk by the keynote speaker Katie Barton, Executive Director of Software Development and Services at Gallup, Inc. Her energetic personality and humor elicited peals of laughter and giggles. She stated facts about how women were underrepresented in almost all STEM careers. She said 50 percent of girls in middle school want to participate in STEM education. But only 20 percent actually pursue a STEM education and career after high school.

The girls participated in the Clifton StrengthsFinder survey, an assessment tool that helps identify their specific talents and discover what they naturally do best. She encouraged the girls to understand their strengths and recognize their weakness’ that would make their career planning easier. As Barton provided career solutions based on each strength, the energy in the auditorium was palpable. It was the quiet recognition that girls can achieve anything they want in life and be successful, despite societal challenges and existing disparities.

Barton shared three critical areas where women give up on careers in STEM. First are the women who struggle to get their first break in a STEM job. The second is when they choose between a family and a successful career. Third is when they are passed over for promotions to their male counterparts.

The Gallup executive said it was up to the girls to stand up and make a mark for themselves; to work hard; have good work ethic; develop good relationships with their superiors; and push for what they wanted to achieve. Barton was a tough act to follow, but I was up next to share my educational background and career story.

They laughed when I told them I was in school continuously for 30 years, preschool to graduate school. I told them about my role as a Licensing Associate at UNeMed. I explained how innovation, technology transfer and intellectual property affects them. I told them how innovation usually starts with an idea or a solution to a problem. I encouraged them observe their surroundings and find solutions to problems. They asked me questions about my background, the work I do and what excites me to come to work every day.

I shared stories about entrepreneurs who came up with simple solutions to life’s difficulties and they listened to me with rapt attention. Many girls expressed a desire to pursue biology and chemistry, while there was one who was absolutely in love with math, and wanted to eventually get a doctorate in mathematics. I was excited to see the glimmer of excitement for the future in these girls’ eyes.

I was fortunate to share the room with other spectacular woman panelists successful in various fields such as database management at Mutual of Omaha, environment safety and hazardous material management from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, cytogeneticist and post-doctoral researchers from the University of Nebraska Medical Center, clinical psychologist from Boystown Hospital, research and development project manager from Teledyne Cetac Industries, Six Sigma Black Belt, enterprise quality and outcome coordinator at Nebraska Medicine, financial advisor at UBS, nurse at Alegent Health and IT representatives from Gallup.

I am excited for the future of STEM education and careers for girls in Nebraska. As a woman in STEM, I believe I have the ability to influence, educate and empower girls to choose an education and career in scientific fields. The girls I met are smart, bright, outgoing and funny. They have a desire to make it big, and I think the responsibility lies on all of us to push them to achieve their goals.

I am thankful for the opportunity to represent UNeMed at this event, and empower the next generation of women for a brighter future.

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UNMC group takes second place in business plan competition

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Tim Bielecki and Will Payne

UNMC graduate students Tim Bielecki (left) and Will Payne address judges’ questions during UNO’s business plan competition Thursday, April 27, 2017.

OMAHA, Nebraska (April 28, 2017)—A group from the University of Nebraska Medical Center finished in second place of the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s seventh annual Maverick Business Plan competition last night at Mammel Hall.

The group, primarily made up of current and former graduate students at UNMC, took home the runner-up prize of $2,000.

“It will definitely help having that money,” said Will Payne, a UNMC doctoral candidate and co-founder of Orca Analytics. “We’re going to take that money and do exactly what we need.”

Most of the cash will be used for various legal fees as Orca Analytics prepares for a product launch, Payne said.

Orca Analytics is a venture that plans to use data and predictive analytics to guide collegiate advisers and their students to the most efficient career path. Founders expect their tool will enhance student satisfaction and engagement while boosting college retention rates.

“As a student,” Payne said after, “I wish this was something that was available to us.”

Orca Analytics co-founder Tyler Scherr, PhD, meets with guests shortly before final presentations at UNO’s business plan competition Thursday, April 27, 2017.

Orca Analytics was one of just six finalists that presented during the final round of competition, and was the first UNMC team to place.

“This is the best group of finalists we’ve had in seven years,” said Dale Eesley, the event coordinator and Director of UNO’s Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Franchising, which hosted the event. “This one was really close. They were all so good, so well-thought out and so well-presented.”

The top prize of $3,000 went to a UNO-based team of entrepreneurs who founded an online clothing boutique, Mauve. Third place, and $1,000, went to a business plan that proposed a hydroelectric power facility in Nepal. The same proposal was also awarded an additional prize for the best plan that “incorporates sustainability.”

“I was actually encouraged to see this kind of quality and talent in Omaha,” said Tim Bielecki, an Orca co-founder and UNMC doctoral candidate.

Remaining members of the Orca team are Tyler Scherr, PhD, a recent UNMC graduate and Ben Jones, co-founder of the graphic design firm, Lab Rat Design.

The three remaining business plan finalists were ANCHA, a proposal for legally reselling pre-owned software; Equiband, a wearable device that helps users track their mental states; and Traveling Teachers, a service that connects qualified teachers to families who want to home-school their children but can’t for a lack of time or proper training.

Founders of Orca Analytics are (from left) Will Payne, Tyler Scherr, Ben Jones and Tim Bielecki.

Founders of Orca Analytics are (from left) Will Payne, Tyler Scherr, Ben Jones and Tim Bielecki.

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Murari-Kanti accepts full-time position

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OMAHA, Neb. (April 27, 2017)—Catherine Murari-Kanti, PhD, has been promoted from intern to a full-time licensing associate position with UNeMed, the technology transfer and commercialization office at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

“Dr. Murari-Kanti is one of those rare people who had a clear trajectory right from the beginning,” UNeMed president and CEO Michael Dixon said. “She’s been on our radar basically since she first arrived on campus about five years ago. It’s great to have someone like her who can hit the ground running like she has.”

The promotion and full-time status expands her role of evaluating, marketing, and seeking partnerships for new inventions, cures, treatments and medical devices developed at UNMC.

UNeMed’s mission is to help UNMC researchers, faculty and staff move innovations and ground-breaking discoveries beyond the laboratory and into the marketplace. Dr. Murari-Kanti joins UNeMed’s talented stable of licensing experts who work every day to advance UNMC’s new discoveries into the future cures and treatments that might one-day affect millions around the world.

“I’m excited as a graduate of UNMC to have the ability to share exciting discoveries made here, with the world,” Dr. Murari-Kanti said. “I’m proud that my career started with UNeMed and look forward to learn and grow in technology transfer and better serve the UNMC and Omaha community.”

A native of Mumbai, India, Dr. Murari is the daughter of Krishnamurty and Vijayakumari Murari. She is a 2009 graduate of Creighton University in Pharmaceutical Sciences with an undergraduate degree in Pharmaceutical Sciences from the University of Mumbai. Dr. Murari-Kanti received her doctorate in Cancer Research from UNMC in 2015.

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UNMC group makes cut in UNO’s business plan competition

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OMAHA, Nebraska (April 26, 2017)—A group from the University of Nebraska Medical Center is believed to be the first to advance to the final round of the University of Nebraska at Omaha’s seventh annual Maverick Business Plan competition tomorrow.

Orca Analytics

A screenshot of Orca Analytics’ interface that diagrams a theoretical student’s pathways to potential career options.

The group, primarily made up of current and former graduate students at UNMC, will pitch their plan for “Orca Analytics.” It’s a venture that uses data and predictive analytics to help guide collegiate advisers and their students to make the most of the educational experience. The cloud-based software application illuminates the most efficient path of courses for a student, presumably leading to better career options upon graduation. The same applications would also help advisers maintain a better sense of their students’ progression.

Members of the Orca team are Tim Bielecki and Will Payne, doctoral candidates at UNMC; Tyler Scherr, PhD, a recent UNMC graduate; and Ben Jones, co-founder of the graphic design firm, Labrat Design.

UNO’s business plan competition is sponsored by the College of Business Administration’s Center for Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Franchising. Final presentations, five minutes each, are scheduled for Thursday, April 27, 2017, beginning at 6-7:15 p.m. at Mammel Hall. Guests can meet and greet all finalists during a meet and greet session at 5:15 p.m. The event is free and open to the public.

A panel of judges will weigh the proposals for market opportunity, practicality and impact to determine the winners. Cash awards will be presented to the top three finishers, with $3,000 going to the first place, $2,000 to second place, and $1,000 to the third place finishers.

An additional prize will be awarded to the plan that best “incorporates sustainability,” and audience members will have a chance to win $300 in door prizes.

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