Innovation Week seminar discusses building better partnerships

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Toru Seo, PhDOMAHA, Neb. (Oct. 21, 2014)—Academic researchers and pharmaceutical companies seem perfectly suited for one another.

Where pharma appears to show weakness, academia shows strength. And where academia is weak, pharma is strong. The differences in overall mission between both are stark, but they are a near perfect counterbalance.

It would seem the university “yin” and the industrial pharmaceutical “yang” should yield fruitful research collaborations.

Yet, it’s no secret that there’s often dysfunction between the two.

Pharmaceutical executive Toru Seo, PhD, set out Tuesday afternoon to explain why that is, and offered a few simple measures for building better partnerships. The talk was part of UNeMed’s annual celebration of UNMC research, Innovation Week, which culminates with the Innovation Awards on Thursday, Oct. 23.

“Being a scientist,” Dr. Seo said, “I want to help people in academia because I know how hard it can be.”

Seo, who earned a doctorate in molecular and cellular pathobiology from Wake Forest University, was assistant professor at Columbia University and is now deputy general manager for licensing and business development at Taisho Pharmaceutical in Tokyo, Japan.

Drug discovery and development is increasingly more reliant on often cash-strapped academic researchers, while pharmaceutical R&D departments scale back budgets or narrow their scope. The changing dynamic means productive collaborations between industrial and academic partners is more important than ever.

“We have to have steady pipeline, and in order to have a steady pipeline we have to do better R&D,” Seo said.

When academic-industrial collaborations fail, it “almost always” lies at the feet of disagreements and misunderstandings center on intellectual property, goals, metrics or deliverables, he said.

The obvious fix is better communication, but Seo said the communications must first focus on the science. Identifying common goals, setting clear, detailed expectations for outcomes and providing timely feedback all build an engaged and transparent relationship—two critical elements that can’t exist without clear and consistent communication.

Seo closed his discussion with a quote former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan. In a 2004 speech in Chicago, Greenspan said:

“I have found no greater satisfaction than achieving success through honest dealing and strict adherence to the view that, for you to gain, those you deal with should gain as well.”

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Dixon interviewed during Nebraska halftime

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UNeMed President Michael Dixon (left) looks over his notes during his halftime interview with Greg Sharpe (right), which was broadcast Saturday night during Nebraska's 38-17 win over Northwestern.

UNeMed President Michael Dixon (left) looks over his notes during his halftime interview with Greg Sharpe (right), which was broadcast Saturday night during Nebraska’s 38-17 win over Northwestern.

LINCOLN, Neb. (Oct. 18, 2014)—UNeMed president and CEO Michael Dixon and the interim president of the University of Nebraska, Jim Linder, were featured guests during the halftime intermission of Nebraska’s 38-17 victory over Northwestern University.

Linder, a regular feature of all Nebraska football game broadcasts, brought in Dixon to discuss the value of tech transfer and commercialization efforts at the University, and how they impact the local economy.

“In the past three years, we’ve helped create eight startup companies that have raised more than $10 million to help support technology development,” Dixon told Greg Sharpe during the pre-recorded interview. “Our activity, along with startup support groups like NMotion, Straight Shot, PIPELINE, and Silicon Prairie News has organizations like CNN Money declaring Omaha as one of the top startup hubs in the nation.”

The interview was broadcast by the Husker Sports Network, carried locally by KFAB (1110 AM) in Omaha. Linder’s series of halftime interviews continues this week, when he brings in Sam Meisels, the executive director of the Buffett Early Childhood Institute. Nebraska will host Big Ten newcomer Rutgers. Kickoff is listed at 11 a.m.



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First ever scavenger hunt to begin Monday

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Scavenger HuntOMAHA, Neb. (Oct. 17, 2014)—Kicking off at 9 a.m. on Monday, October 20, participants must complete challenges and hunt down answers to questions on the entry form. These challenges will be completed for points and a chance to win a price. The scavenger hunt will conclude at 4:59 p.m. on Wednesday, October 22.

Answers to the scavenger hunt must be submitted in the allotted timeslot to the inbox. For each correct answer, participants will receive one point. Some of the questions will require a selfie while a simple written answer will suffice for others. Creativity is highly encouraged and even rewarded.

Bonus points are offered to participants who follow UNeMed on Facebook and Twitter and answer the trivia questions posted each day. Answers should be submitted by replying to @unemed and tagging the post with #IWeek14.

Selfies for Scavenger HuntThe first participant with the highest amount of points will receive prizes. The scavenger hunt is open to all UNMC staff, faculty, and students.

Monday, October 20 marks the start of Innovation Week, which begins with an Open House in the DRC Atrium from 9-11 a.m. The Bioscience Week Kick-Off Reception at Baird Holm, will be from 4-6 p.m. On

Tuesday, October 21 there will two events; a seminar presented by Taisho Pharmaceutical Co.’s Deputy General Manager for Licensing and Business Development from 10-11 a.m. and “Demo Day” featuring six UNMC and UNO leading technologies from 3-5 p.m.

On Wednesday, BioNebraska will present “Experiencing Biotechnology,” a panel discussion hosted by UNL’s Department of Biochemistry at the Beadle Center in Lincoln.

Innovation Week will come to a close on Thursday, October 23 with the Awards Ceremony in the DRC Auditorium at 4 p.m.

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Demo Day will feature coronary artery disease discovery

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OMAHA, Neb. (Oct. 17, 2014)—Promising research could lead to a significant and dramatic improvement in correctly diagnosing unstable coronary artery disease years, perhaps even decades, before traditional methods.

A scientific research journal, PLOS One, published in its September issue an article by a team of scientists at the University of Nebraska Medical Center who found a biomarker that could “allow for the assessment of a future cardiovascular event.”

The article—”Unique Antibody Responses to Malondialdehyde-Acetaldehyde (MAA)-Protein Adducts Predict Coronary Artery Disease“—significantly concludes that a biomarker could tell the difference between patients who harbor stable or unstable coronary artery disease. The difference between the two groups is the difference between living well into old age or suffering a sudden fatal heart attack at 40-years-old. Stable coronary artery disease is a manageable condition, but the unstable version is unpredictable and nearly impossible to diagnose.

An interdisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha—Michael Duryee (left), Geoff Thiele (center) and Dan Anderson (right)—believe they found a way to determine who will develop potentially deadly heart disease with a simple blood test.

An interdisciplinary team of researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha—Michael Duryee (left), Geoff Thiele (center) and Dan Anderson (right)—believe they found a way to determine who will develop potentially deadly heart disease with a simple blood test.

Lead author and project collaborator, Dan Anderson, M.D., PhD, will discuss the research and its possible implications during UNMC Technology Demonstration Day on Oct. 21. Anderson, who is also a practicing cardiologist, will be among six others presenting some of the most recent and advanced innovations developed at UNMC and UNO laboratories.

Anderson and UNMC colleagues Geoffrey Thiele, PhD, and Michael Duryee are working on developing a simple blood test for the biomarker, which could give patients potentially years of advance warning if they carry the unstable version of the disease.

Such an early diagnosis could dramatically change how cardiologists treat patients, advancing cardiac care to an improved, more targeted and personalized approach.

Hosted by UNeMed, the technology transfer office at UNMC, Demo Day is a part of Innovation Week, a celebration of the research, discovery and innovation at UNMC. Demo Day is aimed at a general audience and is free and open for anyone to attend. Registrations are requested.

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Qian Zhang promoted, will lead international efforts

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LO_qian_zhang_2014OMAHA, Neb. (Oct. 16, 2014)—UNeMed announced today that postdoctoral licensing associate Qian Zhang, PhD, has been promoted to a new and permanent full-time position with UNeMed as the International Technology Development Specialist.

With the new job, Dr. Zhang will focus more on international tele-medicine and forming international relationships.

“I’m very excited for the new job. It has a broader scope in terms of responsibilities,” Dr. Zhang said.

Born in Linyi, China, Dr. Zhang attended graduate school at the University of Nebraska Medical Center where she briefly considered an academic research career. After earning her doctorate in cancer biology in 2011, Dr. Zhang joined UNeMed as an intern. UNeMed soon offered her a one-year appointment as a postdoctoral licensing associate, where she helped evaluate and bring UNMC innovations to the market.

“We are incredibly pleased to have Dr. Zhang fill this position,” said Michael Dixon, president and CEO of UNeMed. “Dr. Zhang’s experience and knowledge of global markets, specifically China and Japan, allow us access to a multitude of international companies that are interested in partnering and investing in our new technology.”

As an important staff member, Dr. Zhang has been assisting UNeMed in international markets. Fluent in Chinese, Dr. Zhang has helped UNeMed create connections with businesses in foreign markets.

Dr. Zhang was also a recipient of the 2014 Howard Bremer Scholarship from the Association of University Technology Managers.

Dr. Zhang is currently working on her MBA at the University of Nebraska at Omaha and expects to receive her diploma in December 2014.

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Husker halftime show to feature Dixon

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LO_michael_dixon_2014_croppedLINCOLN, Neb. (Oct. 16, 2014)—UNeMed president and CEO Michael Dixon will be interviewed by Greg Sharpe, the “Voice of the Huskers,” which will broadcast during halftime of Nebraska’s football match-up with Northwestern on Saturday, Oct. 18.

The interview is a part of a regular series of halftime interviews that will include University of Nebraska interim president Jim Linder. In the series, Linder and Sharpe meet with various University officials to discuss the University’s economic impact on Nebraska. This week, Sharpe and Dixon will discuss UNMC research and the University’s technology transfer efforts.

Kick-off for the Cornhuskers’ road game at Northwestern University is listed at 6:30 p.m. The Husker Sports Network will carry the game, and a list of broadcast affiliates can be found here. In Omaha, KFAB (1110 AM) will carry the game and halftime interview. It can also be heard through the iHeartRadio Network’s smartphone application and SiriusXM.

Dixon and Sharpe are also expected to discuss some of the cutting edge research at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, and the value those innovations bring not just to the local economy but to the general well-being of everyone on the planet.

Dixon is also expected to talk about Omaha’s growing startup and entrepreneur community, and how the University should fit into that part of the ecosystem.

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UNeMed to give away free iPad…again

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Free iPadOMAHA, Neb. (Oct. 16, 2014)—UNeMed Corporation, the technology transfer office at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, will once again give away a free iPad during Innovation Week.

Open to all UNMC students, faculty and staff, the drawing will be held during the Innovation Awards Ceremony and Reception, which is scheduled for Thursday, Oct. 23 at 4 p.m. in the Durham Research Center auditorium. The entrant must be present to win.

Innovation Week is a series of events hosted and sponsored by UNeMed as an annual showcase that honors and celebrates the innovative and ground-breaking research performed at UNMC. The week culminates with the Innovation Awards, which specifically recognizes those who submitted a new invention, licensed a technology or received a U.S. patent during the previous fiscal year.

2014 UNeMed T-shirtsUNeMed will also present two special awards to the Most Promising New Invention of 2014 and the 2014 Emerging Inventor.

To enter the iPad drawing, UNMC personnel can register by attending any Innovation Week event. Every Innovation Week event represents an opportunity for an additional entry in the drawing pool.

Innovation Week kicks off Monday at 9-11 a.m. with an open house to meet and mingle with UNeMed staff who will be handing out an assortment of goodies, including UNeMed T-shirts. Jo-On-The-Go will also provide free coffee and smoothies.

jonthegol_LOMonday also marks the opening day of the first-ever UNeMed scavenger hunt.

The final event on Monday is the “Bioscience Week Kick-off Reception,” at Baird Holm (1700 Farnam St., Omaha) at 4-6 p.m. The Kick-Off is part of a state-wide focus on bioscience innovation and collaboration and is co-sponsored by BioNebraska, UNeMed and NUtech Ventures, the tech transfer office for UNL.

Innovation Week continues Tuesday with two events, an educational seminar aimed at stoking better university-industrial collaborations, and the second annual UNMC Technology Demonstration Day.

Toru Seo, PhDThe seminar will be presented by Taisho Pharmaceutical Co.’s Deputy General Manager for Licensing and Business Development, Toru Seo, who will discuss how and why government, academic and industrial researchers can and should build stronger partnerships. It will be held in room 1004 in DRCI, and a complimentary snack will be provided.

Demo Day will be held at 3-5 p.m. in the DRC auditorium and will feature six leading technologies that emanated from the research laboratories at UNMC and UNO. The technologies will be presented by researchers, company CEOs or startup founders in easy-to-understand 10-minute sessions intended for scientists and non-scientists alike. Demonstrations will be followed by a short reception with complimentary food and wine.

COPD Detection Platform HardwareOn Wednesday, BioNebraska will present “Experiencing Biotechnology,” a panel discussion at the Beadle Center in Lincoln. Hosted by UNL’s Department of Biochemistry, the discussion is expected to address the challenges facing the future of drug development, animal health, agriculture and devices.

Wednesday also marks the close of the Scavenger Hunt with the entry deadline set for 4:59 p.m.

Innovation Week in Omaha concludes Thursday with the Awards Ceremony.

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Pipeline alum signs research deal with UNeMed, will speak at Innovation Week

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OMAHA, Neb. (Oct. 15, 2014)—A new sponsored research agreement between a University of Nebraska Medical Center scientist and an industrial partner will look to produce the next generation of safer, more effective surgical meshes.

Matthew MacEwan

Matthew MacEwan

Matthew MacEwan, an alum of Pipeline’s 2012 fellowship class and the President at Acera Surgical Inc., signed the research partnership, which will explore clinical applications for a new invention developed in UNMC’s College of Pharmacy. MacEwan will also discuss the new technology as one of the featured presenters during the second annual UNMC Technology Demonstration Day on Tuesday, Oct. 21.

Demo Day is a forum highlighting some of the most advanced and promising new technologies emerging from UNMC research laboratories. It is among several events during Innovation Week, which is hosted every year by UNeMed, the technology transfer office for UNMC.

The new partnership was partly a result of UNeMed’s relationship with Pipeline, a regional entrepreneurial program that recently expanded its reach to include all of St. Louis. Until recently, Pipeline’s reach into St. Louis was limited to those associated with Washington University, such as MacEwan who entered the program while pursuing an M.D./PhD

Acera Surgical Inc. is a surgical device startup company based in St. Louis, specializing in the next generation of surgical materials. Its cornerstone product, CeraFix™ Dural Substitute, is an implantable biosynthetic material, or scaffold, for use in brain surgery. CeraFix™ is under review by the FDA and is not yet available for clinical use or sale.

Acera will perform additional testing on existing materials using a new method developed by Jingwei Xie, PhD, an assistant professor in UNMC’s Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Dr. Xie recently developed a new process for producing three-dimensional nanofabricated materials and matrices.

“Our goal is to give surgeons a new option when it comes to implantable materials,” MacEwan said. “We are very excited by the work that Dr. Xie is doing, and we believe the process he’s developing will lead to a new generation of medical devices that may improve clinical care for a large number of patients.”

In healthcare, synthetic nanofabricated materials are commonly used as bandages, to deliver drugs, or even engineer and repair tissue. Nanofiber matrices are also used in engineering as filters and membranes; in solar cells and fuel cells; and as chemical and biological protection sensors in defense and security applications.

When existing nanofiber materials are treated with the new process, the materials show a significant increase in porosity, which makes them more effective as tissue and cellular scaffolds. The materials may also be more absorptive and provide a unique substrate for cell cultures, according to early studies.

Acera will also explore creating entirely new products based on Dr. Xie’s work.

The first round of testing is expected to occur over the next six months, and, if successful, could lead to a deeper partnership between Acera and UNMC. Acera may explore additional opportunities in the Omaha area if early experiments lead to a new product, MacEwan said.

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Tyler Martin joins UNeMed board of directors

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Tyler Martin, M.D.OMAHA, Neb. (Aug. 5, 2014)—UNeMed Corporation announced at its annual shareholder meeting that Tyler Martin, M.D., has been added to the board of directors.

Martin, a product of Hebron, Neb., joins UNeMed after a long stretch of success in Silicon Valley where he helped build new startups and managed established biotech companies. His experience in ushering several new therapeutics through an arcane and complicated regulatory process could be particularly valuable to UNeMed, which is the technology transfer office for the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Omaha.

“We’re thrilled to have someone with his expertise back in Nebraska, helping build the biotech industry in the state,” UNeMed president and CEO Michael Dixon said. “He’s been building biotech companies and bringing new drugs to market for two decades, so he brings in a wealth of industrial and clinical knowledge.”

A pediatrics and infectious disease expert, Martin received his M.D. from UNMC in 1986. More recently, he managed Dynavax Technologies Corporation as the biopharmaceutical company’s president and Chief Medical Officer.

Martin returned to Nebraska in 2013, founding a biotechnology consulting firm, Great Plains Biotechnology, in the Lincoln area. He is also the CEO of Adjuvance Technologies Inc., a private pharmaceutical company specializing in vaccine design and production.

“My wife and I are from Nebraska, and we always thought about coming home,” Martin said. “There’s an underappreciated amount of biological talent here, and so we jumped at opportunity to help create a life science nexus in Nebraska.”

Other members of the UNeMed board are Dixon, Chairman Don Leuenberger, Director Terry Opgennorth, PhD, and Richard Spellman.

Leuenberger is UNMC’s Vice Chancellor for Business and Finance; Dr. Opgenorth is the vice president at CSU Ventures, Colorado State University’s technology transfer office; and Spellman is associate general counsel for healthcare at UNMC

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Innovation Week at UNMC begins Oct. 20

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iweekbadge2014OMAHA, Neb. (Oct. 13, 2014)—The eighth annual Innovation Week kicks off Monday, Oct. 20, and will celebrate and recognize the world-class research and discovery at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Hosted by UNMC’s technology transfer office, UNeMed Corporation, Innovation Week begins with an open house 9 a.m. Monday, and culminates with the UNMC Research Innovation Awards Ceremony and Reception Thursday evening, which will include a drawing for a free iPad.

Reserve your seat today. Click here.Innovation Week will also feature a seminar about industry-academia collaboration from Taisho Pharmaceutical’s deputy general manager, Toru Seo, PhD Innovation week will also see the return of UNMC Technology Demo, and UNeMed will host for the first time a scavenger hunt.

All events are free and open to the public, but the iPad drawing is for UNMC faculty, students and staff only. They may register for the drawing by attending any Innovation Week event.

Demonstration Day will feature six technologies that were invented and developed at UNMC. The innovations are either the basis for a new startup company or are partnered with industrial collaborators for further development. Representatives will present 10-minute demonstrations intended for a general public. Short Q&A sessions will follow each presentation.

Demonstration Day is planned for Tuesday, Oct. 21, beginning at 3 p.m. in the auditorium of UNMC’s Durham Research Center, and will conclude with a short reception with food and drinks. Seats may be reserved at

Reserve your spot at Demo Day here.Also on Tuesday, Oct. 21, Toru Seo will present a seminar about building better collaborations between academia and industrial partners. That talk will be held in room 1004 of DRC I, beginning at 10 a.m. A light snack will be provided.

awardsleft_LOInnovation Week concludes on Thursday, Oct. 23, with the UNMC Research Innovation Awards Ceremony and Reception. The ceremony will recognize all the UNMC scientists over the previous year who were issued a new patent, licensed a technology, or developed a new invention. UNeMed will also present special awards for the “Most Promising New Invention of 2014” and the “2014 Emerging Inventor.”

Seats for the Innovation Awards may be reserved at

Monday’s open house is a chance to meet UNeMed staffers, learn about the innovation process, and pick up free T-shirts, pens, notepads, and beverages provided by Jo-On-The-Go.

More details about the scavenger hunt will be available soon, and announced through UNeMed’s Facebook page and Twitter feed.

All events will be held at the Durham Research Center on the west end of the UNMC campus, about one block north of Emilie and South 45th Streets.

More information about Innovation Week will available on UNeMed’s website at

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Pharmaceutical executive to speak at Innovation Week event

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Innovation Week 2014OMAHA, Neb. (Oct. 14, 2014)—Bridging the gap and building better relationships between university researchers, potential industrial partners and governmental agencies will be the topic of UNeMed’s Innovation Week seminar Tuesday, Oct. 21.

Toru Seo, PhD, will deliver a presentation entitled “Omnia Mutantur Nos Mutamur In Illis: What we can learn from Charles Darwin.” Translation: “All things change, and we change with them.”

“This famous Latin phrase,” Dr. Seo said via email, “nicely illustrates how we should be thinking.”

Toru Seo, PhDDr. Seo is the deputy general manager for licensing and business development at Taisho Pharmaceutical Co., LTD, which is based in Tokyo. The seminar will be held in Room 1004 in the Durham Research Center I at 10-11 a.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 21. A complimentary light snack will be provided.

“While an alliance of government, academia and industry has been in development for decades, the outcomes of this ‘consortium’ are not necessarily maximized to their full potential,” Dr. Seo said. “The aim of the lecture is not to evaluate the alliance in entirety, but to focus on how we can better leverage each party and to share some perspectives to better achieve an efficient and productive alliance based on my experience.”

Sponsored by UNeMed Corporation, the seminar is a part of Innovation Week, a series of events celebrating the innovation and research at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Innovation Week begins Monday, Oct. 20 at 9 a.m. in the DRC-I atrium with an open house where visitors can register for a chance at a free iPad, and pick up a free UNeMed T-shirt and other goodies. UNeMed will also offer free beverages from Jo-On-The-Go.

Also on Tuesday, beginning at 3 p.m., UNeMed will host the UNMC Technology Demonstration Day in the DRC-I auditorium. Demo Day is a free and open event featuring 10-minute presentations about innovations developed by UNMC researchers. To attend, register at

Innovation Week culminates on Thursday, Oct. 23 with the UNMC Research Innovation Awards Ceremony and Reception beginning at 4 p.m. The awards ceremony will recognize the new inventions, patents and licensed technologies at UNMC over the previous year, and UNeMed will also present two special awards honoring an “Emerging Inventor” and the “Most Promising New Invention.”

The free iPad winner will also be announced during the ceremony, but the entrant must be present to win. To attend, register at

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UNMC Technology Demonstration Day planned for Oct. 21

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demodaybanner14EBclearOMAHA, Neb. (Oct. 3, 2014)—The public will get the rare chance for a close and personal look at innovative technologies emerging from the research labs at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Sponsored by UNeMed Corporation, the second annual UNMC Technology Demonstration Day will be held Monday, Oct. 7, at 2:30 p.m. in the Durham Research Center I auditorium. UNeMed is the technology transfer office that helps UNMC’s groundbreaking research go beyond the laboratory.

Demonstration Day is a free and open event that will feature about six technologies (see below) developed at UNMC. Most of the featured innovations are either the cornerstone of a new local startup, or have been licensed by an existing company for further development. Inventors, startup CEOs or their representatives will deliver a short, 10-minute presentation, followed by a brief question and answer forum. UNeMed will then host a reception in the atrium with complimentary food and refreshments.

Space is limited, but a seat for UNMC Technology Demonstration Day can be reserved at

UNMC employees and students who register online will also be automatically entered for a chance to win a free iPad, which will be announced at the Innovations Awards ceremony.

Innovation Week kicks off with an open house Monday, Oct. 7, at 9 a.m. in the DRC I atrium, where visitors can register another entry for the free iPad drawing, and pick up a free UNeMed T-shirt and other goodies. UNeMed will also offer free beverages at the open house.

UNeMed will host a seminar about building better collaborations between academia and industrial partners on Tuesday, Oct. 21 beginning at 10 a.m. UNMC personnel who attend the seminar will also gain an additional entry for the iPad drawing.

An on-campus scavenger hunt will wrap up Wednesday, awarding prizes to the winners who accumulates the most points. Go to the UNeMed’s Innovation Week webpage for additional details on the scavenger hunt.

Innovation Week culminates on Thursday, Oct. 23 with the UNMC Research Innovation Awards Ceremony and Reception beginning at 4 p.m. At the conclusion of the awards, UNeMed will draw for the free iPad 2. The winner must be present to claim the prize or a new name will be drawn.

The event is free, but space is limited, so reserve a seat for the Innovation Awards at


Shared data needs middleman — Labpoint president and founder John Glock will discuss his Omaha startup’s climb from an idea to a working web solution that help labs, clinics and hospitals increase efficiency by improving their ability to share critical information despite using different hardware and software platforms. Labpoint was created in 2007, born from an idea Glock had while working as an information technology manager at UNMC’s Nebraska Public Health Library.

Laparoscopic simulator for higher skills, lower costs — Developing facilities for the purpose of training and maintain laparoscopic skills often requires a dedicated space and several thousands of dollars. A new, elegant system under development at UNMC can make virtually any open space a suitable training spot for laparoscopic tools at a small fraction of the cost. UNeMed’s Joe Runge will discuss this new training tool, and the clinical needs for cost-cutting innovations.

Detecting problems before the symptoms appear — The third-leading cause of death in the United States COPD, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, can lead to sudden and life-threatening exacerbations—a flare-up of symptoms that often result in hospitalization and an acceleration in the loss of lung function. Patients suffering from COPD must remain vigilant for the earliest signs of an exacerbation, but remarkable research from the biomechanics facility at the University of Nebraska-Omaha, have devised a platform that detect the earliest sign of impending trouble, long before a patient ever notices any of the traditional warning signs. Researcher Jenna Yentes, PhD, will discuss a the natural biorhythms in the human system and how they can tell us what’s wrong before we even know there’s a problem.

A better blood test for heart disease — Among the modern medical mysteries has been how a person with all outward appearances of health and youth die from a sudden heart attack. Finding those people at risk for the most dangerous forms of heart and artery disease could be as simple a new blood test currently under development at UNMC. Researcher and practicing heart specialist Dan Anderson, M.D., PhD, will discuss all we know—and what we don’t—about heart disease, and how we might be able to better manage artery disease in the near future.

Reinventing the surgical mesh — Acera Surgical is a medical device startup, in St. Louis, Mo., specializing in the next generation of surgical materials. Its cornerstone product, CeraFix™ Dural Substitute, is an implantable biosynthetic material, or scaffold, for use in brain surgery. Acera Surgical recently licensed a new UNMC invention for producing three-dimensional nanofabricated materials and matrices. Acera President Matthew MacEwan will discuss the shortcomings of modern medical meshes, and how UNMC’s and Acera’s innovations are the next generation of surgical materials.

Improving the hemodialysis catheter — An interventional nephrologist at UNMC, Marius Florescu, M.D., designed a new catheter with the potential to eliminate expensive and risky procedures for patients undergoing hemodialysis—the process that filters a patient’s blood. One common complication is that the catheter through which the machine removes and replaces the blood will become blocked, requiring surgery to replace the catheter and radiological imaging to verify the repair. Chrysalis Medical is a new venture formed in San Jose, Calif., by veteran medical device professionals and will build the prototype for testing at UNMC. Chrysalis CEO Ron Allen, is expected to lead the discussion.

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Innovation Week 2014 planned, Awards is October 23

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iweekbadge2014OMAHA, Neb. (Oct. 2, 2014)—UNeMed Corporation announced today plans for Innovation Week 2014, an annual event that celebrates innovation and discovery at the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Registration is freeUNeMed, the technology transfer office for UNMC, is hosting the weeklong series of events, which kicks of with an open house on Monday, Oct. 20. Innovation Week culminates with the Innovation Awards on Thursday, Oct. 23 at 4 p.m. in the Durham Research Center I auditorium. Awards will be presented to UNMC researchers, faculty, staff and students who developed a new invention, secured a patent, or signed a licensing agreement for an invention.

This year UNeMed will also present two special awards honoring the “2014 Emerging Inventor” and the “Most Promising New Invention.” There will also be a drawing where one person will win a free iPad.

The Innovation Awards are open to anyone who wishes to attend, but they must first register at


Other planned events for Innovation Week include a scavenger hunt, a seminars about academic and industrial collaboration, and the “UNMC Technology Demo Day,” where researchers and startup companies based on UNMC inventions will deliver short presentations about their innovations. Demo Day is a free event but space is limited and guests are asked to reserve a seat at

Innovation Week’s kick-off event on Oct. 20 will feature free T-shirts, beverages and other items.

The complete schedule of events is posted to the UNMC calendar, and more details are available on the UNeMed website at

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Scientists explore the ‘Dark Side’: Careers away from the bench

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by Agnes Lenagh, PhD, UNeMed

OMAHA, Neb. (Sept. 12, 2014)—While not all scientists accept the existence of careers outside academia or industry, universities are finding value in showcasing alternate career paths available to scientists in biomedical fields. UNMC postdoctoral scholars and graduate students had the unique opportunity Thursday to explore a career options within the legal community.

Robert Netter, PhD, J.D.

Robert Netter, PhD, J.D., a patent attorney in Philadelphia, chats with a audience member following a short presentation about alternate career paths for grad students and postdocs in scientific fields.

Robert Netter, PhD, J.D., a partner at Dann, Dorfman, Herrell, and Skillman, an intellectual property law firm in Philadelphia, took time off from his busy schedule as a patent attorney to discuss opportunities for scientists within the legal community.

Dr. Netter was once a Cell and Molecular Biology graduate student researching Ebola virus proteins. His frustrations with academia began early when his research project hit a roadblock and went off the cliff taking nine months of work with it. Adding insult to injury, his PI had just received tenure, was disengaged with his lab, and left Netter in academic limbo.

Frustrated with academia, Netter began exploring his options while still in grad school. He befriended the student across the hall, whose goal was to become a patent attorney just like her father. Netter jumped on the bandwagon and read up on the field. Following graduation and while finding a position with a law firm, Netter spent just two short months as a post-doc before he definitely “crossed over to the dark side.”

Netter recalled the challenges of his decision. At one point he was working 7-5 at a law firm; attending law school at Temple University by night; getting home to study until midnight, only to get up in the morning and do it all over again Monday through Thursday. He enjoyed Fridays because he “only had to work in the day, so Fridays were great.”

Two of his kids were also born while he was in law school: “I tried to do everything all at once, and I don’t know how I lived.” Dr. Netter is proof that if you can succeed if you set your mind to it.

At the time there was a “stigma associated with leaving academia.” Today, there are more options and support available for PhD graduates. The legal field includes positions in academic tech transfer offices, such as UNeMed; small and large law firms; government, including the United States Patent and Trademark Office; and investment banking.

“I do not know of any PhD/J.D.s who can’t find a job.”
Robert Netter, PhD, J.D.

Freshly graduated scientists with no legal training can find positions as technical advisers. This position involves what Netter later referred to as “grunt work” including writing drafts for patent applications and performing prior art searchers to help write counterarguments. Scientists benefit by becoming familiar with legalese, the language of the legal world.

Netter advised that anyone interested in the legal path should definitely become familiar with the field by working and pursuing the USPTO patent bar. Passing qualifies them as a Patent Agent capable of submitting and prosecuting patent applications. They are also taken more seriously because they demonstrate that they have invested time and money to pursue the career path.

Scientists that go to law school and pass another bar exam then become Patent Attorneys and have a shot at becoming partners at a firm someday.

Dr. Netter still uses his PhD skills every day. “I still like to consider myself a scientist first, and an attorney second,” he said. The job is challenging, yet satisfying as Netter works with government bureaucrats who can be difficult. He also works with universities and appreciates helping the “underdog.” It’s a stable career that is also financially rewarding, particularly after making partner, he said.

However, the grass doesn’t start out green on the other side. Choosing to follow a legal career guarantees a long road and it’s hard to start over, especially after completing a PhD program. All that PhD training in the lab is good practice for enduring the long, stressful hours that can come with the legal field. It’s also a service industry, and clients always come first. Clients must always be happy because no clients, means no job.

Another drawback to working in the legal field?

“Wearing these stupid suits,” he said. “I’d rather be wearing jeans and a T-shirt.”

But suits come with the territory, and there’s always the weekend.


Agnes Lenagh, PhD, is a postdoctoral fellow at UNeMed, working as a licensing associate. She also uses her PhD training every day in helping scientists move their work forward, toward improving people’s lives.

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Why we care about the startup and entrepreneur communities

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By Charles Litton, UNeMed | Sept. 10, 2014

There are some things we do that have a hidden and seemingly unknowable value.

We carefully tend to a garden never knowing when, if ever, a sprout will appear, or even if any seeds were planted in the first place.

We don’t often print large stories about these efforts, or issue press releases, or rattle off large, up-and-to-the-right line charts in our annual reports.

Yet we do them all the same.

This, of course, might seem rather silly, and it’s tempting to ask our president, Michael Dixon, why we bother.

Michael Dixon, PhD

Michael Dixon, PhD

Why spend so much time working with and thinking about the startup and entrepreneurial communities in the city, state or even the entire Midwest region? Specifically, why involve ourselves with groups like Pipeline, NMotion, Straight Shot and others?

The response will invariably include words like “nurture” and “ecosystem” and a lot of plural pronouns.

It’s about “we” and “us” and “our.” And not the “we” as in “We, UNeMed” or “We, the University.”

It’s bigger than that.

This larger concern for the entire ecosystem goes back, no doubt, to our previous president, who, as fortune would have it, now sits in the big chair in Lincoln as the interim president of the University of Nebraska.

Jim Linder

Jim Linder, M.D.

But before Dr. Jim Linder reached such heights in the University system, he oversaw our little corner of the universe. First he was our president, then he was the president of the University Technology Development Corporation, which oversees all tech transfer efforts across all campuses.

He saw a small garden worth tending.

So UNeMed jumped with both feet into Pipeline’s mission of supporting, advising and mentoring aspiring entrepreneurs in the Midwest—particularly those who are looking to build the kind of high-tech, high-growth startups that drive economic rebounds in cities like Omaha, Kansas City and St. Louis.

So it’s intensely gratifying to see that investment of time and energy has paid off in some small measure.

Dixon, our current president—and a Linder protégé—serves as a regional network adviser for Pipeline. When Pipeline morphed into a regional program three years ago, Dixon crossed paths with an entrepreneurial M.D./PhD candidate from St. Louis who was among the 100s of applicants for Pipeline’s annual fellowship program. Matthew MacEwan graduated in Pipeline’s 2012 class, and he maintained the network of advisers and mentors he built while in the exclusive program.

Matthew MacEwan

Matthew MacEwan

MacEwan is now the President and Chief Scientific Officer at Acera Surgical, Inc. — a St. Louis-based startup working on the next generation of nanofabricated surgical meshes.

It so happens that we have a researcher who invented a new method for creating better medical meshes.

What happened next should be obvious.

Dixon called it the “perfect partnership.”

It happened because we had, and still have, leaders who see that the value of the University is tied to the value of the ecosystem.

And that caring for a patch of fertile soil in the backyard is worth a little extra time and energy.

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New seminars will discuss careers away from the bench

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OMAHA, Neb. (Sept. 10, 2014)—A new seminar series aimed at postdoctoral scholars and graduate students will address alternate career paths available to scientists in biomedical fields.

Hosted by the University of Nebraska Medical Center Postdoctoral Association in collaboration with UNeMed Corporation, UNMC’s technology transfer office, the new series will examine careers away from the bench in four planned talks beginning in September.

The series opens at noon on Thursday, Sept. 11, in room 1004 at the Durham Research Center, when patent attorney and biologist Robert Netter, PhD, J.D., discusses opportunities for scientists within the legal community.

Netter works at Dann, Dorfman, Herrell, and Skillman, an intellectual property law firm in Philadelphia. He earned his doctorate in cell and molecular biology from the University of Pennsylvania in 2002, and then received his law degree from Temple University in 2007. Netter specializes in patent law, primarily serving universities and small to mid-sized biomedical companies.

More sessions are planned, and further details will be announced when those sessions are finalized.

All seminars are free and open to the public, and refreshments will be provided.

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