Lisa Bilek, PhD (right), is seen here during a careers seminar that UNeMed hosted during Innovation Week in 2015. Seated next to her is co-panelist and fellow UNMC alum Tyler Martin, PhD
Bio Nebraska will host a free virtual presentation next month, “Nebraska women in STEM: Finding what you need to succeed (or creating it if it doesn’t exist).”
The event is planned for Tuesday, Aug. 11, at 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Lisa Bilek, PhD, will tell the story of how she built and developed a stable career in science, and how that journey led her to create LOLA. LOLA is a non-profit that connects and supports women with shared experiences in their professional lives.
Learn more about the free presentation, including how to register, on the Bio Nebraska website: https://www.bionebraska.org/finding-what-you-need-to-succeed/
Bilek received her doctorate in neuroscience from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in 2013. Since then, she has worked in medical affairs for biotech and pharmaceutical companies, accepting a position with Sanofi Genzyme’s multiple sclerosis team in 2015. She also sits on the UNMC Graduate Studies Alumni Advisory Board.