
UNeMed Map Invention Avenue

Inventors first disclose their ideas to UNeMed representatives, who then evaluate the ideas for patentability and market potential. Ideas that pass this evaluation stage will then be marketed to commercial partners to establish collaborations and licensing deals to further develop those innovations into market-ready products for the public good.

It is important to disclose your invention to UNeMed BEFORE any public disclosure is made.

UNeMed encourages all inventors to fill out a New Invention Notification (NIN) and contact us at or (402) 559-2468.
Download New Invention Form NEW! Submit your invention online here!

For more information on our process please expand the topics below. If you have any questions contact our Licensing Staff.

What can be an invention?
An invention is a new discovery, concept, design, device, composition, and system or software program. Typical inventions include therapeutics, diagnostics, drug delivery platforms, medical devices, new uses of existing drugs and medical devices, research tools, educational materials, apps and software.

Inventions are important, but not everything important is an invention. What sets apart an invention from an idea is that it’s different from what’s already out there, has product value, a good intellectual property (IP) position, and good commercial potential.

UNeMed evaluates all UNMC, UNO and Nebraska Medicine inventions and determines whether to put more time, money or effort into a technology.

Disclosing an invention
To disclose an invention to UNeMed, simply fill out a New Invention Notification (NIN) form tailored specifically for University of Nebraska or Nebraska Medicine personnel. Once the NIN form is completed and signed by all inventors, you can email the disclosure to

It’s important that you disclose your invention to UNeMed BEFORE any public disclosure is made.

The NIN will create a written, dated record of your invention and to provide information from which the patent potential and commercial potential of your invention can be evaluated. The NIN form also ensures compliance with U.S. federal laws, University policy and the policies of several research-funding agencies.

Once UNeMed receives your complete invention disclosure, we will assign you to a licensing staff member who will evaluate the invention and help decide the next steps to take.

If you have any questions about our process please contact us.

Public Disclosure
We cannot stress enough that inventions must be disclosed to UNeMed before a public disclosure occurs. A public disclosure of your invention can include published papers, oral and poster presentations, any seminars, abstracts, funded grant applications, or open dissertation defenses.

A public disclosures results in the loss of foreign patent rights and leaves us with one year (from the date the public disclosure occurred) to secure U.S. patent rights. Loss of foreign patent rights can decrease the value and overall appeal of a technology.

The easiest way to protect your rights (and the University’s) is to work with us. To protect inventions UNeMed encourages inventors to disclose their discoveries before presenting or publishing. If you believe your research may contain patentable subject-matter, please contact UNeMed.

For additional information, visit our post on Public Disclosures.

Invention evaluation by UNeMed
UNeMed will meet with you and any other inventors to discuss the details and applications of your invention.

For more information on determining who’s an inventor, view our post on inventorship vs authorship.

Meeting with inventors helps UNeMed staff better understand the invention in order to conduct a full analysis of the NIN and determine subsequent courses of action.

The Science and Technology Advisory Committee, which is composed of UNeMed personnel, will evaluate your NIN for the potential to obtain effective IP protection, stimulate business interest, and contribute to economic development.

Your assigned technology manager will notify you of the evaluation results and whether or not UNeMed decides to move forward with your invention.

IP Protection
Once a decision is made to move forward with an invention, UNeMed may seek intellectual property (IP) protection.

At UNeMed we most often protect University inventions with patents, which cover new inventions like medical devices, compounds or drug formulations. The life-span of a patent is about 20 years, and allows UNeMed to seek industrial partners who can fund the development of the invention into a product. Learn more in our Patent Primer.

Expressions of creative works are protected by copyrights. Common examples of copyrights include books, music, movies, photos and artworks. Most copyrighted works that we see at UNeMed are things like software applications or educational materials.

UNeMed will work to identify potential industry partners to help develop your invention.

Your technology manager will prepare non-confidential material that will be distributed to targeted industry personnel. Technical and confidential details of the invention will only be disclosed to a potential partner under a Confidential Disclosure Agreement. At this stage, the inventor may be asked to participate in scientific and developmental discussions with the interested party.

If the company remains interested in developing and commercializing the invention, licensing terms will be negotiated by the technology manager. The company may also opt to execute an option agreement before entering into a license agreement to further evaluate the technology or fund research in the inventor’s laboratory to further develop the invention.

University of Nebraska and Nebraska Medicine technologies can be licensed and developed by established companies, or used as the basis to form a new company (startup).

Once the invention begins to generate revenue UNeMed will distribute the revenues as described in BOR policy 4.4.2 and UNMC’s Revenue Distribution Policy. More information about UNO and Nebraska Medicine policies are coming soon.

Inventor's Guide to Technology Transfer
The Inventor’s Guide to Technology Transfer outlines the essential elements of technology transfer at UNeMed. This guide is organized to answer the most common questions that UNeMed, the technology transfer arm of UNMC, UNO and Nebraska Medicine, typically fields from inventors and provides a broad overview of the technology transfer process and services available.

Download the inventors handbook.

NIN: UNMC & UNO personnel

Inventions | MTA | CDA | Intellectual Property | Startups | Licensing | Technologies

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